Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Aksi Narsis dan Lucu Tiga Katak “Bersaudara” di Kalimantan (PHOTO)

Tiga ekor katak jenis Reinwardt's diabadikan oleh fotograger Hendy Mp, di dekat rumahnya di Sambas, Kalimantan Barat. Dikutip dailymail, Katak Reinwardt's umumnya dikenal sebagai Katak pohon berselaput atau Katak hijau terbang. Tampak ketiganya sedang asyik berpelukan.

Hidup sampai nama mereka: Tiga Reinwardt Terbang Katak, umumnya dikenal sebagai hitam katak pohon berselaput atau katak terbang hijau, yang terlihat bermain di pohon oleh fotografer Hendy Mp

Living up to their name: Three Reinwardt's Flying Frogs, commonly known as the black webbed tree frog or the green flying frog, were spotted playing in a tree by photographer Hendy Mp

Say cheese: The trio, pictured in Kalimantan Barat, in Indonesia, were happy to pose for the camera, with one offering up a big grin

Say cheese: The trio, pictured in Kalimantan Barat, in Indonesia, were happy to pose for the camera, with one offering up a big grin

Branching out: These frogs clearly have personality as they posed like pros. 'They reminded me of three playful brothers and the one frog that looks like he is smiling I thought was very cute,' said the photographer

Branching out: These frogs clearly have personality as they posed like pros. 'They reminded me of three playful brothers and the one frog that looks like he is smiling I thought was very cute,' said the photographer

Photographer's dream: Mr Mp said the frogs 'kept moving around every couple of minutes, climbing on each other and changing positions'

Photographer's dream: Mr Mp said the frogs 'kept moving around every couple of minutes, climbing on each other and changing positions'

Leap frog, anyone? The three moved quickly and elegantly and reminded the photographer of dancer, who said he stayed for two hours

Leap frog, anyone? The three moved quickly and elegantly and reminded the photographer of dancer, who said he stayed for two hours

Hang on: The frogs, native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, change their position and expressions yet again

Hang on: The frogs, native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, change their position and expressions yet again

Go away: The frogs turn their back on the 25-year-old photographer, who spotted them near his home in Sambas, Kalimantan Barat

Go away: The frogs turn their back on the 25-year-old photographer, who spotted them near his home in Sambas, Kalimantan Barat

Green and yellow: They can be either light green or dark green in colour and they have black spots around their backs and heads

Green and yellow: They can be either light green or dark green in colour and they have black spots around their backs and heads

Line-up: This time, the frogs form an orderly queue on the branch. They are classed as a near threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature

Line-up: This time, the frogs form an orderly queue on the branch. They are classed as a near threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature

Sementara itu, di Palangkaraya, Indonesia, Muhammad Berkati melihat saat kupu-kupu yang berani duduk di atas kepala katak pohon hijau

Meanwhile, in Palangkaraya, Indonesia, Muhammad Berkati spotted the moment a brave butterfly sat atop a green tree frog's head

The photographer, who spotted the green tree frog in a meadow, said: 'The frog did not seem bothered by the presence of butterfly at all'

The photographer, who spotted the green tree frog in a meadow, said: 'The frog did not seem bothered by the presence of butterfly at all'

sumber: dailymail

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