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Pemasaran digital adalah suatu kegiatan pemasaran atau promosi sebuah merek atau produk menggunakan media digital atau internet dengan tujuan untuk menarik konsumen atau calon konsumen secara cepat.
Sabtu, 24 Juni 2023
Kamis, 11 Mei 2023
How to add List-Unsubscribe header
To implement the opt-out option in your email header, your email server must first be configured. For example, this is how to add the list-unsubscribe header to all outgoing emails using Postfix:
- in /etc/postfix/main.cf, set
header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/list_unsub_header
- create a list_unsub_header file in /etc/postfix/ and add the following:
/^Content-Transfer-Encoding:/i PREPEND List-Unsubscribe: mailto:<sender-email-address>?subject=unsubscribe>"
- Restart Postfix it with
service postfix restart
/etc/init.d/postfix restart
Contact your email administrator to insert this option for your particular server. If you use an email service provider, you can ask them to insert the list-unsubscribe header into your email. Or you can do this yourself, using the ESP’s documentation. To accomplish this, you will have to choose between two types of unsubscribing methods: mailto and http.
Mailto is the most commonly used method for implementing the list-unsubscribe header. When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, the mail client generates an email with an unsubscribe request and sends it to a specified email address. You also need to process the request and unsubscribe from this user. Here is the flow of setting up a mailto list-unsubscribe:
- Create a dedicated email address for unsubscribe requests. For example, unsubscribe@example.com
- Provide this email address to your email administrator or ESP and ask them to insert it into the email header. The following syntax should be used:
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: unsubscribe@example.com?subject=unsubscribe>
- With the mailto method, you have to manually unsubscribe the users.
Http or unsubscribe URL
With the http method, behind the list-unsubscribe header, there is a URL leading to a web page for opting out. When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, a landing page 2 opens, and the user is asked to confirm unsubscription. Here is the flow of setting up an http list-unsubscribe:
- Create a web page dedicated to unsubscribe requests. Both http: and https: are acceptable. For example, http://www.example.com/unsubscribe.html 7
- Provide the unsubscribe URL to your email administrator or ESP, and ask them to insert it into the email header. It is best to use this method in conjunction with mailto because the recipient’s inbox client may not support http list-unsubscribe. That’s why it is advisable to use the following syntax:
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: unsubscribe@example.com?subject=unsubscribe>, <http://www
DKIM not working - Mails do not get signed
For any given domain, in Mail Settings, "Use DKIM spam protection system to sign outgoing email messages" is checked enabled, but in some circumstances outbound email messages are not signed from said domain. It's necessary to switch DKIM off and on again to get it to work.
Unable to send dkim headers
Troubleshoot log /var/log/rspamd/rspamd.log
Prompt for permission issues:
dkim_module_load_key_format: cannot load dkim key /www/server/dkim/xxxx.com/default.private: cannot map key file: '/www/server/dkim/xxxx.com/default.private' Permission denied
Set 640 to 644, then restart rspamd to send emails to view email source code
chmod 644 /www/server/dkim/xxxx.com/default.private
/etc/init.d/rspamd restart
WDR Nginx rewite rule
Remove cache url
Please open: \xhr\login.php
Find ?cache and remove it totally, remove only what is selected: https://prnt.sc/9APi9GRCTrgm
Line 95
$data['location'] = $wo['config']['site_url'];
False url sitemap-index.xml
Manage your sitemaps with a sitemap index
If you have a sitemap that exceeds the size limits, you'll need to split up your large sitemap into multiple sitemaps such that each new sitemap is below the size limit. Once you've split up your sitemap, you can use a sitemap index file as a way to submit many sitemaps at once.
Sitemap index best practices
The XML format of a sitemap index file is very similar to the XML format of a sitemap file, and it's defined by the Sitemap Protocol. This means that all the sitemap requirements apply to sitemap index files also.
The referenced sitemaps must be hosted on the same site as your sitemap index file. This requirement is waived if you set up cross-site submission.
Sitemaps that are referenced in the sitemap index file must be in the same directory as the sitemap index file, or lower in the site hierarchy. For example, if the sitemap index file is at https://example.com/public/sitemap_index.xml
, it can only contain sitemaps that are in the same or deeper directory, like https://example.com/public/shared/...
You can submit up to 500 sitemap index files for each site in your Search Console account.
Welcome, ./assets/includes/functions_three.php
Line 5283
$sitemap->createSitemapIndex($site . '/xml/', 'Today');
Remove /xml/ change to /
So like this
$sitemap->createSitemapIndex($site . '/', 'Today');
Senin, 09 Maret 2015
Ke Lhokseumawe, Jokowi Mengenang Masa Muda
Aceh menjadi salah satu daerah yang selalu dikenang oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Jauh sebelum ia menduduki jabatan sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia, Jokowi sempat meniti karir sebagai karyawan di PT kraft Aceh (Persero) yang harus membuatnya tinggal di Aceh selama beberapa bulan.
Saat mengunjungi Aceh untuk meresmikan depot penerimaan dan regasifikasi Arun, Lhoksumawe, Aceh Utara, Senin (9/4/2015), Ia pun menceritakan kisahnya saat meniti karir di tanah rencong tersebut.
Pada 1985 atau setelah lulus kuliah dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Jokowi langsung diterima untuk bekerja di Kraft Aceh. Mau tidak mau ia pun harus meninggalkan tanah Jawa dan merantau di tanah Aceh, tepatnya di daerah Lhoksumauwe.
“Tahun 85, saya bekerja di Tanah Rencong ini, di Lhoksumauwe, tepatnya di PT Kertas Kraf Aceh, dan juga dulu di Aceh Tengah Takengon sekarang ada pemekaran,” kenang Jokowi.
Ia melanjutkan, setelah bekerja selama setengah tahun, ia pun ikut memboyong isterinya Iriana yang sedang mengandung putra pertamanya, Kaesang Pangarep. “Jadi istri saya hamil anak pertama di Aceh,” tuturnya.
Oleh sebab itu, Jokowi berucap, Aceh bukan daerah yang asing bagi dia dan juga istrinya. Sejak saat itu, ia sering mengunjungi wilayah-wilayah di Aceh. “Sebetulnya saya sudah sering wira-wiri Lhoksumawue-Takengon-Banda Aceh, jadi Aceh bukan sesuatu yang baru bagi saya dan Bu Iriana,” terangnya.
Saat ini, Jokowi kembali mengunjungi Aceh. Namun bukan sebagai karyawan dari Kraft Aceh lagi melainkan sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia. Jokowi mengunjungi Aceh untuk meresmikan depot pengolahan gas alam cair Arun Aceh, yang dioperasikan cucu usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) yaitu PT Perta Arun Gas.
Terminal Regasifikasi dan Penerimaan LNG Arun akan memproses regasifikasi awal, satu kargo LNG, yang telah diterima sejak 19 Februari 2015 lalu dari fasilitas Tangguh LNG di Papua. Setelah regasifikasi selesai, gas akan disalurkan ke Pembangkit Listrik PLN Arun yang berlokasi di Aceh Utara.
Total kebutuhan gas yang akan disalurkan kepada pembangkit PLN sebesar 135 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) yang terdiri dari 40 mmscfd untuk pembangkit listrik Arun dan 95 mmscfd untuk pembangkit listrik Belawan.
Sementara untuk industri, berdasarkan hasil pemetaan potensi penggunaan gas, kebutuhan industri di wilayah Sumatera Utara diperkirakan mencapai 250 mmscfd. (liputan6)